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Program Costs

Division Age Qualification Gender Fee
T-Ball A player typically ages 3, 4 & 5. Co-ed $75.00
Coach Pitch A player typically ages 5 & 6. Co-ed $75.00
8U Recreational Please see the Age Chart Girls Only $75.00
10U Competitive Please see the Age Chart Girls Only $100.00*
12U Competitive Please see the Age Chart Girls Only $100.00*
14U Competitive Please see the Age Chart Girls Only $100.00*

*Note this fee is strictly for registration and league game costs.  With the Open and Competitive divisions especially, there may be additional costs associated with the purchase of gear, uniforms, and tournament entry fees.  These additional costs will typically be determined by your team coaches and management.  Some teams may elect to fund raise for all or a portion of these additional costs and the remaining balance, if it still exists, may be an out-of-pocket expense to the individual player.


**all Registrations are non-refundable***

What's included with the registration cost...

  • 4-5 practices at the beginning of the season (Competitive teams may have more at the coaches discretion/request).
  • Dedicated volunteer coaches.
  • Matching, numbered, t-shirts with your team sponsor's logo, to keep after the season is over.
  • All equipment for playing the game except for a glove and cleats
  • Teeball, Coach Pitch & 8U will play games for 6 concurrent weeks. 10U, 12U, 14U Competitive 12 league games per season for 6 concurrent weeks, 2 games played per week double headers.

When do they play...?

  • T-ball & Coach Pitch, 6:00 pm 6:45pm and 7:30pm start time on game day.  No double headers.
  • 8U, 6:00 pm or 7:30 pm start time on game day.  No double headers.
  • 10U - 14U, 6:00 pm or 7:30 pm start time on game day.  Could possibly have double headers.
  • Teeball & Coach Pitch will play for 6 concurrent weeks. 8U, 10U, 12U, 14U Competitive 12 league games per season for 6 concurrent weeks, 2 games played per week double headers.
  • Season starts end of April and goes through end of June

Division Descriptions (10U - 14U)...




  • Teams generally stay intact year after year once formed.
  • Possibly one to two practices per week once game season starts depending upon field availability.  May have off-season practicing.
  • Tournament play occurs within the state and may occur out of state should the team desire.  Competitive teams typically play weekend tournaments.  Most likely will play season-end  state tournament.
  • Out-of-pocket costs are determined by uniform costs, tournament play options, and other team expenses.

Division Selection Note

Because some of our teams are previously established in the higher age divisions, simply selecting a particular division does not guarantee the registrant a spot in that particular division.  We will make every effort to place interested registrants on the division desired, but in some cases, we may have to make changes depending upon interested numbers and coaches volunteering.  In these rare cases where a change is necessary, we will address every situation individually, offer what we have available, and if a consensus cannot be met, we will gladly refund the appropriate funds for the registration.

Where do they play...?

  • T-Ball - 8U, all games played at Aspen Park. 
  • 10U - 14U, all games played at Aspen Park.